Day 1 - 02.06.05
Reached SCMHRD at 4pm. The campus is spread over four acres withartistic landscapes. This is right in the middle of the Infotech parkand is surrounded with breath taking views. Was alloted Room No. 406in the boys hostel. My room mates are Amit Goswami (from delhi , talland very helpful guy, has worked in infy at pune before joiningscmhrd) and amit thakurel ( from bangalore and he is a sindhi) ...both these guys are very helpful and luckily for me stay away from the harazds of smoke and drink... the rooms have 3 beds, 3 wardrobes, 3 study tables with over head racks and a bathroom and closetattached... the very first day after setting up things in the room, wehad dinner in the mess.... dal, rice and chapathi come as standardmenu every day for lunch and dinner and there are subjees like rajma,paneer, alu baingan etc etc.. the food is very hygeinic...the dinnertimings are from 8pm to 9.45 pm .. after which we guys and girlsgrouped up for an informal introduction. the hostel roll call happensat 10.30pm and no matter where we are, we have to reach teh hostel intime for the roll call...
Day 2 - 3rd june
Morning woke up at 5.30 and we friends went for a jog... came at 8amand ate breakfast, toast and coffee.. went to the rooms and got readyfro the induction and presentation which was supposed to happen at11.00am... this was the first formal gathering at scmhrd and we got tomeet the founder director padmashree s.b majumdar.. and also thedirector of the institute.. the director killed us slowly.. inch byinch.. but he has a vision and we are his horses.... every professorintroduced to us was nothing less than a devil. we are sure to havemany sleepless nights lined up for us..a few of the rules...
1. no mobile phones in academic block. if found first time the simcard is broken, if found second time then the mobile is broken, if found third... then god save u ....
2. no night outs.. no sleeping more than 4 hrs... for every 2 hrsof classroom study there should be 3.5 hrs of self study.. we haveclasses from 9am to 6.30pm after which we have to do a lot ofcommittee work.. have to sleep.. have to study.. i just figured outthat 24hrs are too less
3. only formals allowed in the academic block..anything less thanthat the student is restricated.
the rules are too many and they are difficult to recollect.. all inall the director told that he is the biggest criminal and he lovesscreweing up sleeps... we can have exams at 12 midnight with 15mins notice also.. such is the life.after the induction and presentation.. we were sent for photo sessionsfor the id cards and gave mesurements for the suits... had lunch andrested in the afternoon... even we all were in casuals and went for awalk... they were screening "naina" in the auditorium... yes they doscreen 6-7 movies a month and we are not required to go out for anypurpose.. had a lot of fun.. chatted.. played around.. slep at 1am !!!
Day 3 & 4 - 4th and 5th June
OUT BOUND LEARNING...all students had to be ready at 6am and we were taken to a sportscomplex 15mins away.. tehre we wer divided into groups and made toplay management games.. the 2 days were the most tiring but the mostfun filled as well..our physical and mental limits were tested... gotto make a lot of friends ... games could be anything like making ahuman chain and rolling.. carry ppl thourgh branches...blindfoldingand walking.. it was all to build confidence, trust and above of teamwork... on 4 the evng we reached the campus at 6pm and immidly had toprepare for a group skit .. we had a bon fire at the campus at 8.30and each of the groups showed their hidden talents.. we have amitabh bachans , mr. beans, micheal jacksons, shankar mahadevans, laloo prasad yadavs, eveyone in the batch.. a thorough talent show topped upwith a mind blowing guitar and song performacen which went on till 12at night... slept at 1 and had to be at the gates at 5am on sunday morning (5th june) for the second day of the obl.. we were againdivided into other groups.. adn this was a longer and tougher day..ppldint have the strenght to walk even 500mts and we were made to coverdistances of 10kms in all by foot...the day started at 6am and we hadthe games on till 7.45pm.. got back to campus and ate dinner...we hadan interaction with seniors and everyone were so tired (dead i mustsay) got back to the rooms at 11pm and studied till 1am.
Day 5 - June 6th5.45 - 6.15
yoga :(after sleeping at 1am no soul could get up.. but we had no choice.. we dint have yoga today but were made to strip and give total bodymeasurements to the fitness centre.. we have 30mins sessions everyday... one day yoga.. one day gym.. and one day aerobics.. god we are in a jail :( after that.. we friends went for a jog and got back at 8am .. our first class started today at 9am.. all have to be in theclass at 8.58 sharp nahi toh no attendance for the entire day .. weneed to have 100% attendence without which we wont be allowed tograduate... failing - they dont understand what that means .....sickness - soemthing wat they would never give in to.. even if ur legsare broken.. ur classmate better carry u to class... and impossible -that word doesnt exist at all..i have some how got 15mins free and typed this mail...have to rush for lunch now and the next class is at 2.15.... hopefullywe get to sleep today.. slept for hardly 20hrs in the past 5days
my new number 98603 38698